Hey everyone!! My name is Alexa Vela and I hope that my personal website serves as a place where you are able to seek encouragement as well as find very useful life advice that have help me tremendously. First, let me tell you a little bit about who I am. I am currently a highschool student in Houston, Texas navigating through this incredible journey we call life which has allowed me to discover the things that make me the happiest version of myself as well as the people in my life who make me the happiest. For instance,the things I love to do include playing competetive golf, hanging out with friends, and helping others in any way I can. In addition to this, as a firm believer that we are our brother and sisters keeper I understand the importance of empowering and uplifting others whether through our words or actions. This is what lead me to create a space that will inspire you to help within your school, community, or even within your own home.Virtually sending you lots of love and light.